Baja California Sur

About Loreto

Loreto is a small city on the Gulf of California in the state of Baja Califor...

Where to Stay in Loreto

5 stars
Guarantee of the Camino Real, with 156 room...

Where to Eat in Loreto

International kitchen.

Where to Go / What to Do in Loreto

Fishing is the main activity in Loreto. The great amount...

Nightlife in Loreto

This tranquil community has some alternatives for a fun night.


Schools in Loreto

There are 6 educational centers, one elementary, one Jr. High, one High Schoo...

Hospitals in Loreto

In the month of April of 2007, the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon inaugu...

Photo Gallery Loreto

Releated articles with Loreto

Mexican Cinema

Mexican Cinema is currently composed by a history, values...

Spring Break in Mexico

Spring Break 2009 will be from February 28 to April 5 in ...

Nudist Beaches in Mexico

The acceptance of these tourist areas began in the 70'...

Mexican Oil; The Most Important Fields

The oil industry in the world has changed dramatically in...

Traditional Mexican Dishes

Mexican cuisine, worldwide famous and recently declared I...

Mexican Cinema

Mexican Cinema is currently composed by a history, values...

Most Viewed

Acolman, Estado de Mexico

The Spanish Conquest brought to Mexico not only the colon...

David Alfaro Siqueiros, Great Mexican Painter

David Alfaro Siqueiros belonged to the post-revolution ge...

PEMEX Workers Union

Constituted on the 15th of August, 1935, the Sindicato de...