
AltaVista is an archeological site of Chalchihuites culture from abound 200 - 1000 A.C. It was an observatory and ceremonial center, and there are still remains of its functions and great architectural techniques. In the construction of “The labyrinth” it can be seen with exact detail. The equinoctials and other buildings such as The Pillar Hall, The Votive Pyramid and the Gamio’s Stair stand out.

The rocky formations of over 250 million years old stand proudly forming different forms with originality and wi

Zacatecas History

Because of the contrasting geography that is characteristic in the Zacatecas ...

Zacatecas Culture

The mining vocation maintained a great part of the population occupied in thi...

Zacatecas Travel

AltaVista is an archeological site of Chalchihuites culture ...

Zacatecas Map
Zacatecas Economy

Zacatecas is of ancient mining tradition; it is the principal silver producer...

Zacatecas Geography

Zacatecas takes eighth place on a national level as far as territorial extens...

Zacatecas Politics

Zacatecas is located in the country’s north-center. Its main economic acti...

Zacatecas Government

Since 2004, at the head of the government of the State of Zacatecas is Amalia Do...

Zacatecas Demography

Zacatecas registered a population of 1’3367, 692 in the last INEGI Populati...

Main Cities inZacatecas

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