
About Catemaco

Founded in the year 1774, the mystic town of "“burned houses"” belo...

Where to Stay in Catemaco

Catemaco has a wide offer of rooms; however, during the seasons of greater to...

Where to Eat in Catemaco

Many small establishments offer very similar dishes of fresh fish and seafood...

Where to Go / What to Do in Catemaco

The tropical jungle furthest nor...

Nightlife in Catemaco

The night life in Catemaco is ephemeral and often inexistent. If you are luck...

Schools in Catemaco

Regarding education, the young are taught in public basic and higher educatio...

Hospitals in Catemaco

The Catemaco population is attended by 10 public medical units and approximat...

Photo Gallery Catemaco

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Carlos Fuentes, Literary Contribution to Mexico

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Archaeological sites in Southeast Mexico

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Holidays in Mexico

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Mexican Stock Exchange

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The Manila Galleon

The Manila Galleon or China Nao was the first route to sa...

The History of the Mexican Political Parties

The history of Mexico’s political parties can be divide...

Xcaret, Mexican Paradise

Sacred place for the people of ancient times, it allows y...