Baja California

About Ensenada

Also know as "“The Cinderella of the Pacific"”, Ensenada is a city ...

Where to Stay in Ensenada

Hotels for all the tastes and budgets.

Next, we present a list...

Where to Eat in Ensenada

Next, we present a list of excellent restaurants located in the city. The spe...

Where to Go / What to Do in Ensenada

Ensenada: The Land of Mexican Wine

Ensenada is a progressive p...

Nightlife in Ensenada

Traditional Mexican bar that opens its doors to local...

Schools in Ensenada

In this collage, being a criti...

Hospitals in Ensenada

Blvd. de la Dunas #22
Tel: (646) 176 7600 (al ...

Photo Gallery Ensenada

Releated articles with Ensenada

Mexico’s Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreement Mexico - European Union

Victoriano Huerta

José Victoriano Huerta Márquez was born in ...

Holidays in Mexico

January 1st celebrates New Year’s Day and is a day of o...

The Mexican Revolution’s Main Characters

The Mexican Revolution has been one of the political-soci...

The 5 safest cities in the country of Mexico

Several foreign and domestic agencies such as the Interna...

The IETU Tax Mexico

The Business Tax to Unique Rate (Impuesto Empresarial de ...

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María Félix, Great Mexican Actress

María de los Ángeles Félix Güer...

Cenotes of Cuzamá

Sacred Cenotes of the Mayan World

The ceno...

Antonio Caso

Antonio Caso was born in 1883 and died in 1946 in Mexico ...