Politics of Tlaxcala

The State of Tlaxcala is geographically located within the center-oriental region of Mexico, on the high lands over the Anahuac plains. Outstanding among the agricultural production of Tlaxcala are corn and barley, followed in order of importance by wheat, beans, corn feed, oatmeal, potatoes and alfalfa. The main farming exploits are beef, pork, horses, sheep, poultry and bees. The state has diverse tourist, cultural, natural and recreational sites. Outstanding among the tourism attractions is the prehispanic and colonial architecture of its multiple religious and civil buildings. Its flora corresponds to cold climates, with species resistant to low temperatures, such as pine, fir, oak and juniper trees. In the forest area of Malinzti, there is a predominant presence of pine trees, although oaks can also be found. On the plains, with slightly humid soil, there are maguey and cactus plants. Currently, many activities are carried out with the purpose of recovering the soil and vegetation; highlighting reforestation and erosion control. The fruit activity is mainly developed on the skirts of Malintzi Mountain. The main areas for the development of agriculture are in the municipalities of Tlaxco, Terrenate, Altzayanca, Calulalpan and Nanacamilpa of Mariano Arista. Tlaxcala is one of the states with greatest communication ways. Its most important municipalities are Tlaxcala, Apizaco, Chiautempan, Huamantla, Calpulalpan and Tlaxco. Source: Gobierno del Estado de Tlaxcala

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