Politics of Baja California

The state is divided into 5 municipalities: Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, Tecate and Playas Rosarito. The urban and rural setting of Baja California leads towards a balanced and orderly growth, proper for developing financial and social activities that aim to preserve citizen’s life quality in harmony with the environment and natural resources. This region’s strong cross-border link has lead Baja California to build development poles in the metropolitan areas of Tecate-Tijuana-Playas de Rosarito and the region of Mexicali Valley. The two areas of bi-national influence span from Los Angeles to San Diego-Tijuana and over the Gulf of California, from Arizona to Sonora. Source: Gobierno del Estado de Baja California

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Several foreign and domestic agencies such as the Interna...

Baja California

Baja California has had a ...

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