Migration in Mexico

One of Mexicoâs fundamental problems is migratory flow. As a consequence of uneven economic development, despite the ever more drastic restrictions of the U.S.A. government, it hasnât been possible to regulate it. Mexicoâs rural zones have been abandoned by the farmers who have migrated to United States. These regions are deteriorated, infertile, and have an unexploited productive wealth; nor has it received economic incentives for its reactivation. The reason is simply that there is no one to work the land. The fields are one of economyâs assets, the products of the fields provide great part of the economic development and many cereals or grains that are no longer produced have to be imported, paying very high prices.
The labor force represents another factor being lost. In our country, the economically active population is decreasing in further zones; meaning, those with a lower population than Mexico City. They are losing the population that could not only work the fields, but also in the factories, constantly deteriorating the economy of those entities.
There are also other problems of greater severity, like the hunt of migrants by civil groups, who while avoiding the vigilance of the border patrol, attack with fire arms when the people who are crossing. A situation that was recently acknowledged and is related to ongoing human rights violations.
On the other hand, Mexicans who achieve to settle in the United States, are definitely benefited by their new economic conditions, as well as their families, inside or outside the country, because they send money to Mexico and greatly contribute to the familyâs economy. If they become residents of the United States, they have access to education and health, as long as their migration situation allows, regarding the most fortunate. However, the other reality is that their human rights in their illegal immigrant condition are fragile. They could die while crossing the border, abandoned by the âpolleroâ or captured by the border patrol, but once they overcome that risk they can settle with the organization and help from their family members and friends, so it becomes safer to a certain extent.
Migration is one of Mexicoâs most important problems, requiring scenarios that allow an immediate attention to more profound problems, as the economic-structural and those related to human rights violations of the migrants that are left in the hands of criminal groups that establish highly organized and profitable networks. From the point of view of the countryâs development, migration transcends into the resulting loss of productivity in the fields and industries, requiring programs that improve the life quality of rural and urban zones.
The migration phenomenon is not recent, on the contrary, it is the result of a whole historical process, directly linked to conditions of economic and social inequality, to which United States seems like a risky but viable alternative for the young and adult population that hasnât found enough employment and development sources.
Artículo Producido por el Equipo Editorial Explorando México.
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