Attractions of Guanajuato

Human settlement in Guanajuato was possible thanks to the rich mineral deposits that were found in its steep lands. It was founded in 1570 and always had the support and generosity of the Nueva España government . This benefited the development of the city with the construction of many beautiful buildings like the Juarez Theater, the San Diego Temple, the Basilica of Our Lady of Guanajuato, the Templo de la Compañía, the Conde de Rul Mansion among others. Its streets and underground tunnels also make this city famous. In 1988 the UNESCO declared it a World Cultural Heritage Site because of its outstanding cultural wealth and importance.

In 1550, the first mine in the state -the Rayas Mine- was discovered by Juan Rayas. But the Valenciana mine was the most important, producing one third of the silver that was exported to Europe by the Nueva España government and still operates today.

The State of Guanajuato offers one of the richest, most interesting and accessible tourism and historical circuits in Mexico, drawn by the important role of its cities San Miguel de Allende; Guanajuato, capital of the State; and Dolores Hidalgo, birth place of MexicoÂ’s Independence and one of the most cherished Magical Towns in the country. A route framed by beautiful colonial architecture and historical monuments that still preserve that tradition of this great land.

Contemporary Guanajuato has an interesting cultural billboard held throghout the year by offering the most renowned International Arts and Culture Festivals in the country, including the most traditional popular and religious celebrations.

Northeast Guanajuato exhibits landscapes ranging from semiarid valleys to forest-lined mountains, abundant streams and waterfalls. Roads along picturesque towns, highlighting San Luis de la Paz, San José Iturbide, San Felipe and Silao; a route of discovery offering various possibilities for the recreation and entertainment, extreme sports and alternative tourism activities.

Even though GuanajuatoÂ’s historical distinctiveness lies on this colonial past, its pre-Columbian archeological background is present in this state, within the communities of Plazuelas and Peralta, two extraordinary samples of their Prehispanic past, pride of Guanajuato. This archeological route is also supported by tourism services offered in the municipalities of Abasolo, Cuéramaro, Pénjamo and Huanímaro, where you can lodge and be in close contact with the historical surroundings within an ambiance of captivating hospitality.

Venue of important cultural events in the country, in 1972 the city of Guanajuato created the Cervantino Festival as a cultural homage to writter Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; however, the popularity this festival acquired throughout the years has overcome all borders and today, Cervantino International Festival is the most important cultural exhibit of Latin America. Its current program includes concerts, theater plays, exhibits, performances, arts and crafts, literature workshops and much more. This festival is annually celebrated on October and November with the participation of a Mexican State and a foreign Country as guests of honor.

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