Hospitals in Catemaco

The Catemaco population is attended by 10 public medical units and approximately 25 certified doctors.

Public emergencies and hospitalization services.
Phone (294) 943 1834

Articles Releated with Catemaco

Pre-Columbian Civilizations in Mexico

Pre-Columbian era is a term used referring to the situati...

Remedios Varo, History of her Art

Remedios Varo was born on December 16, 1908 in Gerona, Sp...

Agriculture in Mexico

Even though agriculture in Mexico occupies a minor role i...

The Aztec Empire

The Aztec Empire, also known as Mexica, was formed by cer...

Mexico’s World Cultural Heritage Sites I (from 1987-1992)

One of UNESCO’s goals is for men and women to have spir...

The Celebration of the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico

During 2010 we celebrated in México 200 years of I...

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Mexican Writers, Castellanos, Aridjis and Ibarguengoitia

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