Economy of Veracruz

Same as the majority of Mexican states, the micro, small and medium company make up 70% of the operating businesses in the state, due to this, the government installed a System of Rapid Opening of Companies, through which the opening of companies considered low risk is made simpler. Six centers for business development were opened and give help to these kinds of businesses. The Program of Formation for Competitive Companies trains nearly one thousand people each year. As for financial support, the Fideicomiso related to the Company, gives credits to Veracruz PyMes.

Veracruz has 3 commercial marine ports and 5 marine ports of cabotaje, through which they move 30% of shipments transported via ocean and 30% national cargo in the country. The county of Nan chital de Lazaro Cardenas was the first county in Mexico to connect with ¨administracion portuaria¨, whose investment generates around 1,200 jobs.

As for the private investment of the state, over 80% of the same was made in 2006 in the industrial industry. The foreign investment in Veracruz comes from Spain, Columbia, Venezuela, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, USA, Canada and Nicaragua. Thanks in part to the presence of the entity in the Astoria International Fair, celebrated in Spain, and the Fair of Ven y Vive in Veracruz, held in the city of Mexico.

The promotion of the farming industry was present in 21 national fairs and 6 international fairs (in Germany, USA, Spain, and others). The program New Rural Generation of the entity supports the realization of farming projects promoted by young Veracruz people. Veracruz is the nation´s first in the production of pineapple, chayote, mango, mango Manila, sugar cane, Valencia orange, papaya and lemon. The fishing industry is first in peto, lebrancha, oysters, trout, sierra and jurel.

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