Geography of Veracruz

With an extension of 71,820 km2, the Mexican state of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave takes eleventh place in the nation. Situated in the coast of the Mexican Gulf, it is connected with north Tamaulipas, to the Gulf, Tabasco and Chiapas on the east, on the south with Chiapas and Oaxaca and on the east with Puebla, Hidalgo, and San Luis Potosi. It has a coast of 745 km in extension.

The Plain coast of the North and south gulf come across the state in the shape of extensive plains, interrupted by a Neovolcanic center where the Cofre and Perote, San Martin and Citlaltepetl or Pico de Orizaba (which it shares with Puebla) volcanoes are found. Other great elevations of the entity are Cerro Tepozteca, with 3,140 meters of height above sea level; the Cerro Cuamila, with 2,980 masl, and the Sierra de Santa Martha, with 1,500 masl. The flora and fauna characteristic of the entity are the palm, maguey, forest pines and Encino, the manglates, pastizales, and white heron, fisher martin, gull, deer, hare, cacomixtle (raccoon), coyote, chachalaca and iguana. In the ocean of the Gulf there are pargo, guachinango, robalo, pompano, dorado, shrimp, oysters, and jaiba fish.

The main rivers are the Panuco, Tuxpan, Actopan, Coatzacoalcos, Cazonez and Tecolutla Rivers. It also has some lakes such as Tamiahua, de Alvarado, de Catemaco, Maria Lisamba, Pueblo Viejo and Mezcalapa among others.

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