Baja California Sur

About Loreto

Loreto is a small city on the Gulf of California in the state of Baja Califor...

Where to Stay in Loreto

5 stars
Guarantee of the Camino Real, with 156 room...

Where to Eat in Loreto

International kitchen.

Where to Go / What to Do in Loreto

Fishing is the main activity in Loreto. The great amount...

Nightlife in Loreto

This tranquil community has some alternatives for a fun night.


Schools in Loreto

There are 6 educational centers, one elementary, one Jr. High, one High Schoo...

Hospitals in Loreto

In the month of April of 2007, the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon inaugu...

Photo Gallery Loreto

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Mexico’s World Cultural Heritage Sites I (from 1987-1992)

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The Virgin Of Guadalupe

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Mexican Unions

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Camping Sites, The Best in Mexico

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Vicente Rojo Almazán, Great Artist

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Archaeological Sites in Campeche; Santa Rosa Xtampak and Kankí

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