Earthquakes in Mexico, The Worst Earthquakes
The earthquake of Veracruz of 1973, also known as the Ori...
Loreto is a small city on the Gulf of California in the state of Baja Califor...
5 stars
Guarantee of the Camino Real, with 156 room...
Fishing is the main activity in Loreto. The great amount...
There are 6 educational centers, one elementary, one Jr. High, one High Schoo...
In the month of April of 2007, the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon inaugu...
The earthquake of Veracruz of 1973, also known as the Ori...
The Voterâs Mexican Credential or Federal Elect...
The history behind this tax is known by almost all of us:...
Leonora Carrington was born in South Lancaster, England. ...
Hurricanes and cyclones occur each year in the Pacific Oc...