While there are many talented Mexican painters specializi...
The 2005 Population and Housing Census registered 512,170 inhabitants. According to the number of inhabitants per state, Baja California South ranks last in the country at 32nd place. It also has the lowest population density: only 6 persons per sq. Km. The state population is very young- more than half of it is under 29 years old- and shows the lowest illiteracy levels of the country (3.6%). However, only 2% of the population speaks an indigenous language, mixteco, náhuatl and zapoteco being the main ones. The majority of the people (88%) declare to be catholic, just like the rest of the country,
While there are many talented Mexican painters specializi...
The oil industry in the world has changed dramatically in...
Without rivaling nature, human beingsâ intelligence, cr...
One of the most serious environmental problems Mexico fac...
The interpretation of the crisis lived by Mexico in 1994 ...
Teatro de Bellas Artes
One of the best known products that Mexico has given to t...
The French intervention of Mexico by the army of the Seco...