Demography of San Luis Potosí

The state of San Luis Potosi reports a population of a little more than 2'400,000 inhabitants, according to the latest census which took place in the year 2005. Population growth rate for the period 2000-2005 was in fact less than 1%. The state is inhabited by 60% residents under 30 years of age, and reports a life expectancy rate similar to the national average, that is, 72 years for men, and 77 years of age for women. In terms of education, the average schooling rate for those over 15 years of age lies at 7,7 years of education, considerably lower than the 8,1% found nationally, while illiteracy rates reach a high 9,2%, in addition to the facts that 28% of the same portion of those older than 15 never finished primary school, and that 4% of children under 14 years do not attend school. Regarding cultural and ethnic diversity, as much as 11% of the state population has an indigenous origin, and the most representative language is that of the Nahuatl, followed by the Huasteco. Due to its severe levels of isolation, the state is one of the nine entities in Mexico which report the highest rates of migration into the United States.

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