The Magical Towns of Mexico are cities that have witnesse...
Tourism represents the major economic activity within the entity, contributing more than 90% of the GDP, which explains why the current government is focusing its energy and resources into policies aimed at reinforcing and expanding the infrastructure and services related to this profitable market. Thus, 63 centers offer training programs for tourism workers and the state reports one of the highest employment rates in the country. Throughout the Mayan Riviera, tourism is among the main economic activities of the State, concentrating on and around the beaches of Cancun, one of the most popular tourism centers in the world and the coastal Mayan Riviera, spanning from Puerto Morelos to Tulum and Cozumel, which have numerous famous coral reefs for scuba diving. Six kilometers to the south of Playa del Carmen is Xcaret, a Mayan archeological site and ecological theme park where many water sports can be practiced and visitors greatly enjoy getting to know the regionâs culture, flora and fauna. Even so, wealth distribution still results in a wide gap and economic inequality within the social classes and regions, as, for example, the Maya Region, a rural zone conformed by the highly-indigenous municipalities of Lazaro Cardenas, Jose Maria Morelos and Felipe Puerto Carrillo, as well as portions of those of Othon Blanco and Solidaridad, report high levels of isolation, marginalization and child malnutrition, due to the dispersion and lack of cohesion of the population which is still organized into too small and many communities with little or no access to basic resources. Another duty and priority of the local government is related to protection against menacing and frequent hurricanes, since the Yucatan Peninsula, especially along its coasts, is usually battered by these kind of meteorological phenomena which have caused great destruction throughout the last century. Source: Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo
The Magical Towns of Mexico are cities that have witnesse...
One of the most serious environmental problems Mexico fac...
In Mexico there are various social benefits granted by la...
It is very common in Mexico to hear fantastic stories tha...
As is known to all, on September 15 is celebrated in Mexi...
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The Spanish language arrived with the Spanish conquerors ...
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The Mexican Caribbean includes six main destinations: Can...
In the prehispanic world, the concept of death played a f...
One of UNESCOâs goals is for men and women to have spir...
After Mexicoâs Independence, the country was in a const...
Mexican cuisine, rich in its variety and ingredients, shi...
Morelia, capital of the State of Michoacan, is a beautifu...