San Luis Potosí

San Luis Potosí
About San Luis Potosí

The beautiful and colonial city of San Luis Potosi, capital of the state of t...

Where to Stay in San Luis Potosí

5 stars
The biggest hotel in th...

Where to Eat in San Luis Potosí

After a long day of sightseeing along the Historic Center of the city, you'll...

Where to Go / What to Do in San Luis Potosí


The beautiful and colonial city of San Luis Potosi...

Nightlife in San Luis Potosí

The citie's nightlife is very attractive with a wide offer of musical genres ...

Schools in San Luis Potosí

State university

Hospitals in San Luis Potosí

The capital of the state of San Luis Potosi has the best health and education...

Photo Gallery San Luis Potosí

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Mexico’s Trade Agreements

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Mexican Unions

Mexican syndicalism originated during the first decades o...

Endangered Biodiversity in Mexico

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The Mexican Revolution, November 20th

During the 19th century, the country had many battles, no...

The Worst Earthquakes in Mexico

Since we are located in a great seismic zone of the world...

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Duties of the Main Federal Government Departments in Mexico

The Mexican State fulfills its main goal by guaranteeing ...

Tortilla, Crucial Element of Mexican Gastronomy

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Juan José Arreola, one of the best Mexican Writers

Juan José Arreola is one of the most recognized na...