The Virgin Of Guadalupe

In the year 1531, as told by the historical documents, took place one of the most important apparitions registered by the Catholic Church, the Virgin of Guadalupe on the Tepeyac Mountain. The story refers that the Indian Juan Diego, today canonized, who usually walked through Tepeyac, saw the Virgin talk to him in indigenous language, calling herself âCoatlallopeâ, which has been related to the meaning âthe one who crushes the serpentâ, for its linguistic composition: coatl = serpent, and llope = to crush. Other versions contradict the word and recognize the name as âTlecuauhtlapcupeuhâ, translated as âthe one who comes from light like an eagle of fireâ. Its complex translation and scarce understanding of náhuatl ended in the name Guadalupe as it is known today.
The apparition during that historical moment had very important connotations, since the process of evangelization was at the peak of its development, having the need for a unity symbol for guaranteeing the mutual respect of the religious institution by the indigenous people, so part of them would finally accept the new faith. In that sense, the apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe made it possible to construct a solid church.
The documental texts indicate it was in December of 1531 that Juan Diego, on his way to Mexico City, heard a voice next to the Tepeyac mountain, who called him by his name with extreme affection. He found an image of great light and beauty calling to him âJuanito, the smallest of my children, where are you going?â She introduced herself as the Virgin Santa Maria mother of God, and formulated her demand: to construct precisely there a temple, for helping the residents of that region, covering them with her love and assistance.
The message had to be taken to the Bishop, Friar Juan de Zumárraga, who completely skeptical of the message left Juan Diego waiting for his response, and showing doubt about its veracity. In response, as stated by historical facts, the Indian had been elected for carrying out that will, and was again sent to publish the message, once again he did not convince the Bishop, and didnât give the negative response to the Virgin, because his uncle Bernardino was about to die and requested from his nephew the assistance of a priest, however, the Virgin encountered him along the way telling him that She, his Mother, would help him in his affliction, also ordering to go to the mountain for the proof he should take to the Bishop. The proof was beautiful roses of Castilla, rare during that time of year, due to the cold weather, but flourishing at that moment on the mountain.
With that proof he went to see the Bishop and showed the roses by extending his apron, where miraculously the image appeared. That image is the one preceding the altar of the temple constructed for Her.
The Image by itself has gone through profound research; it is a cloth of maguey fiber containing the Virgin with a slanted face, a blue shawl with stars, sunrays over her silhouette, feet posed on a black moon and an angel holding her.
The Virgin of Guadalupe is the most significant religious image after Christ in the Christian faith. On the 12th of December people commemorate the apparitions and there are celebrations in all temples, churches and cathedrals of Mexico.
Artículo Producido por el Equipo Editorial Explorando México.
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