The Process to Obtain the Voter's Mexican Credential or IFE Credential

The Voterâs Mexican Credential or Federal Electoral Institute Credential (IFE) is the most common document used as an ID in Mexico. This is based on electoral reforms that were carried out during 1992, thus it is accepted as an ID for banks, schools, private institutions, nightclubs, police departments, and virtually in any field of law.
In order to get the Voterâs Credential you need to be 18 years old (or be very close to meet them) and be of Mexican nationality, show up with valid documentation in the corresponding IFE module of the area where you live, and take the picture right there, where they will also collect your data and then tell you when to pick up the credential.
The valid documents that you can present are of three types, and we must show at least one of each type:
Proof of Citizenship-. A certified copy of your birth certificate, or proof of nationality by naturalization.
Means of Identification-. Military service ID, passport, driver's license, work badge with a photo, declaration of citizenship, title or professional license, or any record of studies from a public institution. As an extreme case, if you do not have any of these documents, you can present two witnesses listed on the electoral roll to provide their fingerprints.
Proof of address- Any utility bill: Water, energy, gas or telephone, property tax, cable bill, or even bank statements. They just canât be any older than three months from the date of the procedure.
Nowadays itâs easier than ever to process the Voterâs Credential: You can call 1-800-433-2000 (1-800-IFE-2000) and they will tell you where is the closest module to your home; also it is possible to make an appointment to perform this procedure.
The delivery of the voting card is from 20 to a maximum of 40 days after the procedure, and it should be noted that the applicant must go in person to apply for it as well as to pick it up, since fingerprints are taken, often in both cases. This is the same reason why, if we lose the voucher, we only need to show one of the documents mentioned above and scan our fingerprints.
Finally it is worth mentioning that the IFE credential is valid for 10 years after it is granted, and that after that time must be renewed by delivering the old credential (or going over the whole procedure again!) There is a certain "extension" of several years in which it is still accepted as an identification, but not to vote in elections.
If you have any questions, you can call 01-800-IFE-2000 or visit the IFEâs website at: