The earthquake of Veracruz of 1973, also known as the Ori...
Demography of Coahuila
The last population census run across Mexico in the year 2005, reports Coahuila de Zaragoza as having roughly 2,500,000 inhabitants, which, considering its size, means that the state has a very low density, in fact as low as only 15 persons per sq. kilometer. History reveals how European colonizers destroyed the disperse and nomadic tribes which inhabited these territories, and as such less than 7,500 natives reside in Coahuila, or merely 0,3% of the total population. The rest of the demographic particulars in the state are very similar to national averages, such as a high life expectancy reaching 75 years of age, catholic majority, and a schooling standard of 8,5 years of education.
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