Economy of Puebla

The state economy of Puebla contributes with a respectable 3,7% of the national Gross Domestic Product, making it the seventh largest contributor in Mexico. The state income is distributed into the Services sector with 22,6%; manufacturing industries with 22,5%; commerce, hotels and restaurants with 22%; and financial and real-estate services with 13,7%.

After suffering an economic deceleration in the year 2004, the state economy has recovered and for 2007 a growth rate of 1,6% was projected. It turns out that Puebla was reported as the state with the highest expansion in the manufacturing industries sector in the year 2005, with an impressive growth rate of 53%. In fact the whole industrial panorama in the state has been reconfigured, as traditional sectors such as textiles have been left lagging behind other activities with higher technological development like metallurgy, machinery and equipment, automobiles, and the furniture industry, activities taking place mainly in the cities of Puebla and Cholula.

However, the configuration based on the economic entity census reveals that more than 95% of the economic organizations in Puebla belong in the rank of small or medium enterprises, and only 0,03% are considered as large companies, which anyway employ a third of the economically active population and generate more than half of the total state income. Puebla stands out nationally in the production of flowers in open uncovered environments, egg, coffee, beer and beans, and still keeps the traditional and ancestral production of onyx and marble.

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