Demography of Nayarit

The state of Nayarit reports a population of a little less than a million inhabitants, 57% of which are younger than 30 years of age. Those born in the state have a life expectancy close to the national average; that is, 72 years for men and 77 years of age for women. The rates regarding average population density in the state report 33 persons per sq. km, not forgetting the fact that a third of the people reside in the capital city of Tepic. According to the latest census which took place in 2005, 34% of the population live in rural areas, just about as expected in a traditionally rural state. Together with the states of Hidalgo, Jalisco, Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí, Nayarit has one of the highest emigration rates to the U.S. in the Mexican nation.

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