Where to Eat in Guanajuato

The spectacular view of the Sierra de Santa Rosa from your table is the perfect complement for the highest quality gourmet meal.
Camino a Ojo de Agua en la Carretera Guanajuato a Dolores Hidalgo
Phone (473) 102 5146

Exquisite contemporary Mexican cuisine located inside the Villa María Cristina hotel, its arches and walls in the purest Porfirio style mixes modernity with the most refined Mexican style.
Paseo de la Presa de la Olla #76
Phone (473) 731 2183

More than 15 years of tradition in Truco 7 of Guanajuato endorse the most delicious flavors of traditional Mexican cuisine.
Calle del Truco 7
Phone (473) 732 8374

Italian restaurant located inside an antique Mexican mansion.
Positos #25
Phone (473) 732 6764

Restaurant located inside the Hotel Camino Real, specifically in an antique colonial chapel. Its vast selection of Mexican and international cuisine will leave you more than satisfied.
Alhóndiga #100
Phone 01 800 901 2300

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