Mexican Writers, Octavio Paz and Emilio Carballido

From the XIX century until now, Mexican writers have been very prolific. Mexico has given the world extremely worthy gender proposals in poetry, narrative, history, theater and prose.
Octavio Paz; In 1914, Mexico City witnessed the birth of one of the emblematic writers of the post-revolutionary Mexico, industrialized and avid for culture. It was the Mexico in which a middle class was being structured at the universities and asked questions on culture more than at any other public space.
He studied at the Law School and Philosophy School at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico and linked to Mexican diplomacy through his post as Director of International Organisms at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; worked as ambassador to Mexico in India and was Minister at the Paris Embassy. He founded publications as Barandal, Plural and Vuelta. He was a member of diverse literary academies and institutions. He constantly contributed to his own publications and others with essays and articles on diverse topics.
He received countless awards and recognitions; Premio Cervantes, el Premio Xavier Villaurrutia en 1956, el Premio Internacional de Poesía en 1963, and tens of others, but the one of greatest prestige was his Nobel Prize in 1990. His Anthology includes Voces de España, 1938; Laurel: Antología de la Poesía Moderna en Lengua Española, 1941. The essays El Laberinto de la Soledad, 1950; El Arco y la Lira, 1956; Las Peras del Olmo, 1957; and El Mono Gramático, 1973. Probably his least published epistle work of great beauty is the letters between Alfonso Reyes and Octavio Paz from 1939 to 1959; Memorias y Palabras; Cartas a Pere Gimferrer, 1966-1997. Also outstanding are Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz o Las Trampas de la Fe in 1991 and his poetry Luna Silvestre, 1933, Raíz del Hombre, 1937, Libertad Bajo Palabra, 1935-1957, among tens of other publications.
Emilio Carballido; He was born in Cordoba, Veracruz in 1925, studied Dramatic Arts and English Literature at Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, and he was the director of the Theater School at Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. His career as a teacher includes classes at UNAM, Instituto Politécnico Nacional and diverse universities of the United States. His work has been translated into different languages, with an also outstanding success as screenwriter for great directors: Nazarín, El Águila Descalza, La Güera Rodríguez and Distrito Federal. He collaborated in the publications El Nacional, La Palabra y El Hombre, México en el Arte, Novedades, among others. He published Teatro Joven de México, El Arca de Noé, SepSentas, Más Teatro Joven, Avanzada, Nueve Obras Jóvenes, among others, and the stories La Caja Vacía, La Historia de Sputnik y David, and A la Orilla del Viento.
Theater received an indelible mark from Emilio Carballido, his works are an obligated emblem for contemporary directors; La Hebra de Oro, El Amor Muerto y El Glaciar, and El Relojero de Córdoba. His traditional Christmas stories as "Un Cuento de Navidad" are remembered.
In December of 2007 the dramatist was recognized for his career and contribution to Mexican Theater by the School of Arts from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and Centro Cultural of Tijuana. Emilio Carballido died in February 2008.
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