Demography of Jalisco

With a population of 6´752,113 inhabitants, Jalisco takes 4th place nationwide according to the latest census that took place across Mexico in the year 2005. In terms of concentration, it reports a density of 80 person per sq. kilometer, while 26% of the people are settled in the capital, Guadalajara. As is usually the case through the whole nation, the base of the population pyramid is considerably wide as 56% of the Jalisco inhabitants are under 30 years of age. Regarding education, though, statistics are rather worrying as 6 in 100 within that young segment do not attend school, 35 in 100 could not finish primary school, and only one in 100 earns a professional degree. In terms of other particulars, life expectancy is recorded at 73 years for men and 77,8 years of age for women; infant mortality is lower the 0,5%; birthrate in the state is located around 0,2%; 95% of the population in Jalisco follow Catholicism, one of the highest numbers nationwide; and finally, regarding ethnic diversity, only 1% of those over 5 years of age speak an indigenous dialect, the most common of which are the Huichol, Nahuatl and Purepecha.

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