Where to Stay inCoatzacoalcos

4 stars
Phone (921) 215 7100
Phone 01 800 712 1451
Blvd. Rió calzadas Km. 7.5

3 stars
Avenida Las Palmas #2 Fraccionamiento Paraíso
Phone (921) 212 2222

3 stars
Llave #500 Col. Centro
Phone (921) 212 7700

3 stars
John Spark Col. Centro
Phone (921) 212 6258

Articles Releated with Coatzacoalcos

Bus Transportation in Mexico

Mexico is the third largest and second most populated cou...

Migration in Mexico

One of Mexico’s fundamental problems is migratory flow....

The Great Mexican Painters

Mexican visual arts have been very fortunate and prolific...

The IETU Tax Mexico

The Business Tax to Unique Rate (Impuesto Empresarial de ...

Endangered Biodiversity in Mexico

The United Mexican States are characterized by their dive...

Francisco I. Madero, Biography and Information

He was born on the 30th of October 1873 at Hacienda el Ro...

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The Mexican Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project (HGP) was a collaborative progra...

Traditional Mexican Dishes

Mexican cuisine, worldwide famous and recently declared I...

Cabo San Lucas, Fishing Paradise in Mexico

If you are visiting Los Cabos, or if you are planning to ...