About Xalapa

The capital of the State of Veracruz is located amid an ecological paradise that its government and population have learned to protect. Located in the beautiful Veracruz mountain range, Xalapa is currently an important commercial and livestock center in the entity.

Founded in the pre-Columbian era by a group of Totonaca Indians, the town of Xallapam peacefully received Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes and his men in 1519. Preserved as a tribute to the Royal Crown, this town was not handed over in entrust, causing its development and growth to be very slow and irregular during the two following centuries.

It wasn't until the end of the XVIII century when it gained the title of villa and its own coat of arms. However, by the XIX century, Xalapa erected as the venue of the powers of the State of Veracruz, a factor that prompted its population and economic growth. Because of this, it soon acquired the category of City (1830).

From that moment on, it was kept as one of the most thriving cities in the coastal State, only behind the flourishing city of Orizaba. The industry of Xalapa began with textiles; the first factory to open its doors in the city was La Providencia in 1842.

The narrow and sinuous streets of the city settled on the skirts of Macuiltepetl Mountain receive visitors with a mountain breeze in the mornings. Located 1,427 meters over sea level, the city has a humid and variable climate, during the day thermometers reach 86º F, with abundant rainfall during the summer.

Currently, with a population of approximately 413 thousand residents (according to data from the last Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda, INEGI 2005), Xalapa sustains its economy on the services sector, particularly government services, which means, numerous state and federal offices are managed in this Veracruz city, always careful of not harming the environment, its people proudly boast their high environmental awareness.

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