About Cuernavaca

The city of Cuernavaca is also known as the city of eternal spring and is located North of the State of Morelos and only 89 km south of the capital of the state. The constant warm weather, with a temperature of 23 C, and its location, have made it into one of the favorite places where the capital inhabitants come to rest and have fun. Here you will find numerous pools, spas, and nightclubs to spend the best vacations.

The tlahuicas or ¨the ones who prepare the earth¨, were the first founders of the city of Cuauhnahuac. The economy was sustained by the cultivating of cotton, by which they captured the interest of the mexicas who forced the permanent payment of tributes.

In 1519, when the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico, Cuauhnahuac was governed by señor Itzcohuatzin and is distinguished for being densely populated and having numerous gardens for food cultivating. The natural qualities of the region, made it the favorite home of Hernan Cortes once he had conquered the city.

The arrival of the Franciscans to the area coincided with its naming as villa of Cuernavaca, residence of the ¨Alcaldia Mayor de Marquesado¨ of the valley of Oaxaca, according to the ¨Cedula Real¨ of 1529.
After the triumph of the independence, the politicians Ignacio Echeverria and Jose Mariano Campos wrote the Cuernavaca Plan, with which General Antonio Lopez of Santa Anna could make the Law of Ecclesiastical Patrons.
The North American invasion that the country suffered around 1846 caused the city to be taken by invading troops.
Later, during the French intervention, the emperor took the Borda Gardens as the summer palace. In 1867, the Mexican militaries Francisco de Leyva, Ignacio Figueroa and Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, fought against the imperialist troops and obtained the victory.
Once again the country was liberated, and in 1869 the state of Morelos was created. The first governor was Captain Francisco Leyva, who declared the city of Cuernavaca as the capital of the state.
The period when Porfirio Diaz governed meant for the city the arrival of the railroad, the construction and inauguration of the Porfirio Diaz Theatre, the opening of the Health Counsel of the State, and the construction of the Toluca Highway-Cuernavaca.
However, a strong epidemic began the development of the Morelos capital by reducing drastically the population of about 3 thousand inhabitants. A couple of years later, it had quadrupled provoking the reactivation of the economy of the region.
Cuernavaca is famous not only for its pleasant weather, but also for its ceramic handcrafts and wax products of the best quality. Its legendary kitchen of tlahuica and a mix of European, is distinguished in its preparation of Cuernavaca styled enchiladas, green mole of pepita and red turkey mole.
The economy of the valley of Cuernavaca is sustained mainly of the cement, paper, tobacco and refreshment industries, and also has ingenious sugar companies and corn cultivation. The commercial activity is developed thanks to the tourist vocation of the city and its other large contributors to the economy. The scenery of the city is known for its numerous vacation homes being that Cuernavaca is the favorite recreation place for residents of the capital of the country, because of its short distance and beautiful nature

Portal de Turismo oficial de Morelos en http://www.morelosturistico.com

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