Lazaro Cárdenas
About Lazaro Cárdenas
The city and port of Lazaro Cardenas in Michoacán is recognized in Mex...
Where to Stay in Lazaro Cárdenas
4 stars
Circuito de las Universidades 60 Seg...
Where to Eat in Lazaro Cárdenas
At Lazaro Cardenas enjoys delicious and fresh fish and seafood, in addition t...
Where to Go / What to Do in Lazaro Cárdenas
Very fine sand and abundant vegetation decorate the beach t...
Schools in Lazaro Cárdenas
Private bilingual education from preschool to h...
Photo Gallery Lazaro Cárdenas
Releated articles with Lazaro Cárdenas
16th of September, Independence day in Mexico
Mexicoâs Independence is the result of diverse social c...
Day of the Dead in Mexico, November 2nd
In the prehispanic world, the concept of death played a f...
Where to celebrate the Mexican Independence on September 15
As is known to all, on September 15 is celebrated in Mexi...
Mexico's Presidents in the 19th Century
After Mexicoâs Independence, the country was in a const...
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