Schools in Palenque

Basic education "– preschool, elementary and high school "– is taught in Federal and State schools, available to the whole Chiapas population.


Articles Releated with Palenque

Miguel Hidalgo, Mexican Independence

Miguel Hidalgo is one of the most recognized characters i...

Tamales, Mexican Wrapped Delicacies

The word tamal has Nahuatl roots and means “wrapped”....

The Best Theaters In Mexico

Teatro de Bellas Artes


What forms Mexico’s Gross Domestic Product?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total monetary value ...

Traditional Mexican Dishes

Mexican cuisine, worldwide famous and recently declared I...

The figures, regarding drug trafficking in México

Lately, this seems to be the hot topic no matter the soci...

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Puerto Vallarta, Paradise in the Pacific

Puerto Vallarta for its geographic situation was directly...

La Huasteca Potosina in Mexico

The Huasteca is a region in Mexico that spans over the no...

Centla Swamps

Centla Swamps:
Natural heritage of our Olmeca and ...