Extraordinary Painters from Oaxaca; Rodolfo Nieto and Rodolfo Morales

Rodolfo Morales; He was born in 1925 in Ocotlán de Morelos, undergoing the obligated trip to Mexico City to study art, he studied at the National Visual Arts School of San Carlos. His first attempts were approved by his friends, encouraging him to do the works in which the collage technique stood out. His first exhibit was during 1975 in Cuernavaca. Morales returned to live in Ocotlán, because he couldnât stand being away from Oaxacaâs wealth.
The painter did thematic series, necessarily evoking the influence of his Stateâs environment, i.e.: âMercadoâ. Although he left his work on many of the countryâs sites, like the mural in Bellas Artes subway station âLa Visión de un artista mexicano sobre Franciaâ, inaugurated in 1998. He was in love with the people of his town; women with colorful dresses, the marketâs flowers, fruits, nature itself. It is a constant characteristic in all the regionâs painters. Rodolfo Morales died in 2000, his artistic legacy is being safeguarded by his foundation.
Rodolfo Nieto; Rodolfo Nieto is another outstanding person from Oaxaca, born in 1936, as many other painters he found a source of expression and esthetic inspiration in foreign galleries. His first experiences were in Paris, where he studied on a scholarship, and couldnât have been more fortunate, Europe during those days was the neuralgic point of world art and of the proposals that without a doubt influenced his creative intuition.
The process experienced by many painters from Oaxaca is very important; on the one hand they are completely exposed to the worldâs artistic influences, they learn, experiment and enjoy them, finally emerging from them as the essence of Oaxaca; its colorful lands, fields, trees, sky, sun, sea, markets, lush and festive women, producing imaginative artistic styles.
The same happened to Rodolfo Nieto, who after his vast experience through mundane museums and galleries, enrolled in the legendary Escuela Nacional de Pintura La Esmeralda, which has been the nest of countless excellent students and teachers. His first recognized exhibit was in 1961 in the Oslo Museum of Modern Art and since then has continuously experimented with materials like lacquer, collage and proposals like his bestiaries have been starting points for other painters and drawers. His poetry, imagination and colors are best represented in his works: âLa Jirafaâ from 1968, âEl Elefanteâ from 1967, and âCielo Estrelladoâ from 1973. He died in 1985.
These are other extraordinary painters from Oaxaca:
-Francisco Toledo.
-Gutierrez, Zarate and Tamayo.
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