Mexico City's Great Ice Skating Rink

The last administrations of Mexico Cityâs Government have developed a great interest in commercial, urban and road reordering. However, Mexico Cityâs Historic Center has been projected as a much vaster space where recreation and cultural life must be a priority for its residents and its thousands of daily visitors.
For this reason, during this last winter season an exceptional program was developed, besides the Historic Center it also included strategic places of the capital. Three ice skating rinks were placed at the locations of Zócalo, Alameda del Sur and Bosque de Aragón.
The program was truly ambitious and fortunately gathered thousands of people to enjoy an activity they probably could not have enjoyed otherwise. It is a service free of charge that also included thousands of ice skates available for the public.
The great magnitude ice skating rink was originally designed for 200 persons simultaneously ice skating, although in reality the number seems to have been greatly surpassed. The ice skating rink was visited by thousands of persons that came from different parts of the Federal District, and by those who arrived during the vacation season, also enjoying the Christmas lights.
The Program included sponsors for placing and developing all the infrastructure of the same quality as rinks from other places in the world. It didnât represent a burdensome expense for the Government because it was sponsored by important private firms like Marti, MVS Radio, TV Azteca and others that contributed to the recreation of thousands of persons.
During the closing event, which prolonged for one more week, it had the presence of great figure skating personalities, giving the audience a wonderful show, concentrating the most renowned names of the last years and offering the opportunity to approach the urban population through a sport of great beauty.
Artículo Producido por el Equipo Editorial Explorando México.
Copyright Explorando México, Todos los Derechos Reservados.
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