Attractions in Tepotzotlán

Tepotzotlán is a word in náhuatl that means âbetween humpsâ, referring to the fact that it is located in front of high mountains. This city is located in the north of Mexico State 45 kilometers from Mexico city and 2,250 meters over sea level. Its average temperature is 16°C.
In 1977 the mountain range of Tepotzotlán was declared State Park and Environmental Preservation Zone.
The Franciscan order began to evangelize this region in the XVI century, a mission that was later put in the hands of Jesuits, who constructed an impressive architectural structure for Colegio de San Francisco Javier. This school served as such up to the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767 and worked again when members of this order were allowed to return to Mexico. Jesuits again abandoned this construction, in a definite manner, in 1914. This building now hosts the National Viceroyalty Museum.
This museum contains the most important collection of objects from Mexicoâs colonial history. It exhibits objects of religious and everyday use as silver utensils, images engraved in ivory, ceramics, armors, textiles and furniture. It shows twenty paintings from famous artists Cristóbal de Villalpando, representing the history of San Ignacio de Loyola. This museumâs library has more than 4,000 volumes. Among its beautiful gardens are the remains of Salto de Agua fountain, serving as a spectacular scenario for diverse artistic performances.
The place known as Arcos del Sitio is located within the protected natural area Sierra de Tepotzotlán. In is a monumental aqueduct constructed by Jesuit friars at the beginning of the XVIII century. It has four levels of arches and a total of 430 meters in length. Ecotourism and Environmental Education Center is located at Arcos del Sitio. Visitors can hike, mountain bike and enjoy the beautiful natural landscapes.
Templo de San Mateo Xóloc is a religious construction dating from 1531. In this building visitors can appreciate the combination of Franciscan austerity and gothic styles.
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