The Supreme Court of Justice in Mexico

The Supreme Court of the Nation is the Highest Court of Justice of México and, together with the Electoral Tribunal, Collegiate Courts and District Courts, the depository of the Judiciary of the Federation (though the Supreme Court acts as the leader and representative of the others). As such, its main function is to enforce the law and preserve the order established by the Supreme Law: the Constitution of the Mexican States.
Another duty of the Supreme Court is the judicial resolution of legal matters that affect the country, issuing judgments that must be complied with, without excuse or protest, since being the highest court and according to the principles of autonomy regarding nations, there is no authority or resource that may be brought against a decision given by it. In this way, the Supreme Court may annul resolutions, laws and edicts created by state governments or federal agencies if it believes they are violating some freedoms, or principles, or contradicting a law from the Constitution.
The Supreme Court is organized in Chambers and in Plenums. A Plenum is the meeting of the eleven ministers of the Supreme Court, while a Chamber is composed of five ministers. The Minister President of the Supreme Court does not participate in the Chambers. This type of organization, as well as the requirements to be part of the Supreme Court, are contained in the organic law of the Judiciary. Currently the meetings are televised and allow interested parties to attend, however they may be held in private if the Court considers it is better for everyone involved. Ministers occupy their position for fifteen years and may leave before, only if they resigned or retire. They are nominated by the President of Mexico and confirmed in Office by the Senate.
Photo: Ariel Gutiérrez
The Supreme Court divides his working year in two periods, the first one starting on the first business day of January and ending on the last business day of the first half of July, and the second period, from the first working day of August to the last business day of the first half of December.
The offices of the Supreme Court are located in the building of the same name in Pino Suárez No. 2, Colonia Centro, in México City, just steps away from the Subway station named Metro Zócalo. The Supreme Court also has its own website:
This site is highly recommended as it provides access not only to the latest decisions of the Supreme Court, but to the dates of its meetings and the lists of parties involved in the different current processes.
The Supreme Court has given resolution to cases such as:
*The ABC Nursery: It established the creation of a special commission, in order to clarify the negligent acts and omissions incurred by the federal and municipal authorities in the fire inside the ABC nursery.
*The extinction by the presidential decree of Luz y Fuerza del Centro, an organism opened by President Felipe Calderón, founding its approach on the State Owned Enterprises Act and the Electricity Act.
*Lydia Cacho against former Governor Mario Marín: The resolution was that after being treated badly by the authorities and arrested by the state of Puebla, there was no violation of her individual rights.
Finally, the building of the Supreme Court is also a tourist spot in the city and worth visiting, even if one is not interested in legislation, as the enclosure walls are decorated with murals done by artists such a Rafael Cauduro and José Clemente Orozco. Access is free during business hours, starting at 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.
Visiting the Supreme Court is an unusual outing, however, it promises to be a very interesting one!
Article produced by the Editorial Team of "Explorando Mexico".
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