The history behind this tax is known by almost all of us:...
Politics of Chiapas
The cultural extent and diversity of the state is expressed in the 119 municipalities contained within its territories categorized into 9 major geographic regions. CENTRAL REGION: Acala, Berriozabal, Chiapa de Corzo, chiapilla, Chicoasen, Cintalapa, Coapilla, Copainala, Ixtapa, Jiquipilas, Nicolas Ruiz, Ocotepec, Ocozocoautla, Osumancita, San Fernando, San Lucas, Soyalo, Suchiapa, Tecpatan, Totolapa, Tuxtla Gutierrez and Venustiano Carranza. HEIGHTS REGION: Altamirano, Aldama, Amatenango del Valle, Chalchihuitan, Chamula, Chanal, Chenalho, Huixtan, Larraiznar, Mitontic, Oxchuc, Pantelho, Las Rosas, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Santiago el Pinar, Tenejapa, Teopisca and Zinancantán. FRONTIER REGION: Chicomuselo, Comitán de DomÃnguez, Frontera Comalapa, La Independencia, Maravilla Tenejapa, Las Margaritas, Socoltenango, La Trinitaria and Tzitmol. FRIARS REGION : Ãngel Albino Corzo, La Concordia, Montecristo de Guerrero, Villacorzo and Villaflores. NORTHERN REGION : Amatán, Bochil, El Bosque, Chapultenango, Francisco León, Huitiupán, Ixhuatán, Ixtacomitán, Ixtapangajoya, Jititol, Juárez, Ostuacán, Pantepec, Pichucalco, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán, Rayón, Reforma, San Andrés Duraznal, Simojovel, Solosuchiapa, Sunuapa, Tapalap and Tapilula. JUNGLE REGION : Benemérito de las Américas, Catazajá, Chilón, La Libertad, Marqués de Comillas, Ocosingo, Palenque, Sabanilla, Salto de Agua, San Juan Cancuc, Sitalá, Tila, Tumbalá and Yajalón. MOUNTAIN REGION : Amatenango de la Frontera, Bejucal de Ocampo, Bella Vista, La Grandeza, Mazapa de Madero, Motozintla, El Porvenir and Siltepec. SOCONUSCO REGION : Acacoyahua, Acapetahua, Cacahotán, Escuintla, Frontera Hidalgo, Huehuetán, Huixtla, Mapastepec, Mazatán, Metapa, Villa Comaltitlán, Suchiate, Tapachula, Tuxtla Chico, Tuzantán and Unión Juárez. ISTHMUS REGION : Costa, Arriaga, Pijijiapan and Tonalá. In order to reduce the index of poverty, the government of Chiapas strives to establish a global strategy that combines development policies by sectors, regions and communities, in order to promote the execution of actions and projects that support community development and family wellbeing; strategies that allow access to evelopment opportunities and generate better life conditions for the citizens of Chiapas living in historically excluded regions and communities. In coordination with the federation, through financial contributions between the three orders of government, 275 million pesos have been invested for the development of production programs. The Temporary Employment Program involved the development of basic infrastructure for the population living in poverty and extreme poverty, promoting their income. Through the Local Development Program, the government improved the populationâs health conditions, in 27 municipalities by investing 110 million pesos in benefit of 68,188 citizens. Through the Production Options Program, the government mainly supports women towards the establishment of bakeries, farms and flower merchandising by investing 38 million pesos in 40 municipalities, directly benefiting 1,285 citizens. Source: Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas
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