Schools in Progreso

Regarding education services, Puerto Progreso offers basic education free of charge for its population, besides having a public high school and the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Progreso, public technical higher education institution

Articles Releated with Progreso

The Exquisite Mexican "Tacos al Pastor"

These delicious tacos originated in the city of Puebla as...

Traditional Mexican Dishes

Mexican cuisine, worldwide famous and recently declared I...

Invasions to Mexico II; The French Invasion

The French intervention of Mexico by the army of the Seco...

Mexican Agriculture

Agriculture is still one of the most important activities...

Illegal commercial fishing in Mexico

One of the most serious environmental problems Mexico fac...

Agriculture in Mexico

Even though agriculture in Mexico occupies a minor role i...

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Skydiving and Paragliding in México

Skydiving consists of jumping with a parachute from an ai...

Travel Route to Chiapas

Day 1: Palenque

One of the best ways to be...

Boating, The Mexican-Center Pacific Route: Ixtapa

The Center Pacific route takes us by the coasts of the st...