Hospitals in Valladolid

At Valladolid the population is attended to at the Hospital General, with free access for the public, besides having assistance for the insured by IMSS and ISSSTE. The Mexican Red Cross also provides services to the city, as well as other 11 private clinics, 10 rural clinics and 75 medical service centers.

Calle 49 s/n
Phone (985) 856 2883

Articles Releated with Valladolid

Remittances to Mexico, Important part of the Economy

The history of migration of Mexican citizens to the Unite...

The Historical meaning of the term "Malinchismo"

Upon the arrival of the Spaniards, people like the Tlaxca...

Carlos Fuentes, Literary Contribution to Mexico

The son of diplomatic parents, Carlos Fuentes was born in...

The Aztec Empire

The Aztec Empire, also known as Mexica, was formed by cer...

Yucatan's food, Mexico

The gastronomy of Yucatan is drastically distinguished fr...

Tamales, Mexican Wrapped Delicacies

The word tamal has Nahuatl roots and means “wrapped”....

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