Where to Go / What to Do in Ciudad Victoria

The fascinating world of nature can be discovered through the attractive interactive halls hosted in the Tamux. With first class facilities, this museum promotes science and research through fun activities organized into five topics: ecology, environment, paleontology, mycology, zoology and biodiversity.

Promoter of arts and a collaborator in the development of the towns of Tamaulipas, the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo or MACT has exhibits on local, national and international artists and also has a space for the promotion of mexican crafts in the FONART store located inside the museum.

Going into the animal world as a visitor inside the natural habitat of each specie is possible in Tamatan, which, more than just exhibiting the animals, it allows living the experience of watching them free inside the zoo.

Species from around the world share a space within the best quality facilities.

For further information visit their official website at http://zootamatan.tamaulipas.gob.mx/

Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Calz. Gral. Luis Caballero Tel. (834) 318 1492

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