Where to Go / What to Do in Morelia

Declared Patrimony of Humanity, the city of Morelia shelters a historic center with beautiful colonial buildings such as the Acueducto of 253 arcs constructed in the XVIII century, and beautiful gardens designed under French influence. In the San Nicolas Hidalgo College, the father of the Mexican Independence took part and also Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon was a student here.

The ancient temple of Merced is one of the constructions with the most architectural value in the city, due to its rich baroque style of the mid XVII century. The Michoacan Cathedral is a symbol of the period of Mexico and has a Doric style in its interior. The beautiful cathedral shelters valuable Mexican treasures.

Do not forget to visit the fountains of Tarascas, icon of Morelia that represents three indigenous women holding fruit baskets in the air.

Secretaría de Turismo de Morelia, en http://www.visitmorelia.com

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