Consejo Nacional para la Cultura (National Council for Culture and Arts - CONACULTA) was created with the goal of coordinating the multiple organisms and offices of cultural nature throughout Mexico. It started to operate in 1988 with the goal of promoting culture and arts. Its vision is to stimulate the artistic and cultural creation, guaranteeing freedom for creators and recognizing that the State must promote national heritage and identity. It works nationwide in order to elevate the presence of art and culture through projects, exhibits, cultural events and cinematography.
Among the offices conforming CONACULTA, is Dirección General de Culturas Populares (General Office of Popular Cultures - DGCP), with more than 30 years working to promote the study, preservation, promotion and development of popular and indigenous cultures of Mexico. Also, Centro de la Imagen (Image Center) was created by CONACULTA in 1994 to research, educate and promote photography based on an interdisciplinary model spanning over editorial, educational, informative and museography aspects; highlighting its two famous yearly projects: Photography Biennale and Fotoseptiembre Festival. The Image Center has photography, bibliography and documentary archives with collections by important national and foreign photographers within its Photography Library.
CONACULTA directs multiple institutes, libraries and museums throughout the country, outstanding, among many others, Centro Cultural Helénico, Centro de la Imagen, Dirección General de Bibliotecas, Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Dirección General de Sitios y Monumentos del Patrimonio Cultural, Fonoteca Nacional, Canal 22, Cineteca Nacional, Festival Internacional Cervantino, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Museo de Arte Moderno, Museo Estudio Diego Rivera, Academia de Danza Mexicana, Conservatorio Nacional de Música, Patrimonio Mundial INAH-UNESCO and Centro de Entrenamiento de Televisión Educativa.
CONACULTA created the Cultural Information System, an online site and data base offering diverse and updated information to evaluate Mexicoâs policies and cultural resources, inform on the countryâs cultural infrastructure and publish contests and scholarships of various artistic disciplines, linking the culture offices of 32 states with national and international research documents regarding the management and promotion of culture and art.
Mexico excels worldwide for its natural and cultural wealth, occupying first place in the American Continent within the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites and sixth place worldwide. In response to this predominant cultural importance, CONACULTA created the National Cultural Heritage and Tourism Coordination to promote cultural tourism. This office is devoted to linking government to national and international public and private organisms in order to guarantee the appreciation and protection of Mexicoâs heritage in the execution of a responsible and sustainable cultural tourism.
Article Produced by the Editorial Team of Explorando Mexico.
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