Economy of Estado de México

The economy of the state of Mexico largely contributes to the national Gross Domestic Product with 9,5%, making it second in the country after the Distrito Federal. The state income is conformed by the manufacturing industry with 28% and represented by machinery, equipment, electronics, automobiles and textiles; by the Services sector with 22%; by commerce, hotels and restaurants with 20%; and by the financial and real-estate sectors with 15%.

In terms of the primary sector of the economy, the state stands out in the production of carnations, chrysanthemums and roses, the surplus of which is usually exported ; in the supply of tuna, pea and grain corn; and, despite being a state with no access to shore, it is gaining territory and gradually becoming the first in the nation in the production of trout and carp.

The size of the economy of the state of Mexico positions it at the level of some Latin American nations, as it is home to no less than 11% of all companies in Mexican territory, large industrial parks and compounds, and the origin of large amounts of artisan exports, all of which consolidates the region as a major industrial power in Mexico.

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